Oh how I loved my Star Wars lunch box! I think I was always more excited about looking at the artwork than eating whatever my mom packed inside. This was back before movies could be watched on a whim- no VHS tapes, no DVD's of course, no on-demand cable, and no Youtube. You had to actually go to the movies back then, or wait 5 years for it to come on TV (but with no way to record it). The best way to "watch" a movie was in your mind's eye, and through this lunch box I was able to relive some of the movie's scenes. I remember it came with a red thermos too, though I have no idea where that could be. The inside has what looks like a mixture of old food and rust. It says "Soto" in pencil which is pretty cool. I wonder if I wrote it? The paintings are really spectacular, especially the Dewback patrol on the bottom.

I just had a flash back of room-temperature bologna and mayonnaise sandwiches... and liverwurst...